Our church family will have the opportunity to gather on Wednesday evenings during Lent to share a simple soup and bread supper as we walk with Jesus on his journey to the cross.
Supper will begin at 6:30 PM with devotions/worship at approximately 7:00 PM.
If you are able to provide soup and/or bread for the suppers, it would be most appreciated. Marion will need 3 people each week to make their favorite soup and 2 people each week to bring bread to share. Please email Marion Daus at mjd2198@gmail.com to sign up for soup/bread and let her know which date and what kind of soup you will do, or use the sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex. Soup should arrive hot at about 6 PM so we can sit down promptly at 6:30 PM.
Hoping lots of our folks will come out for this time of fellowship and faith. Thanks so much!
Ash Wednesday Service ~ March 5th @ 12 PM & 7 PM ~ In-Person & Online
Here’s the scheduled dates for the Lenten Soup Suppers: March 12 - March 19 - March 26 - April 2 - April 9